

A lot of people on the skin are benign soft growths are flesh-colored. In the majority of cases, they have a "foot in the door". In the everyday life of these skin lesions known as warts. However, in the field of dermatology, they are called papilloma.

These tumors can occur in any part of the body. However, the most common are the armpits, neck and groin area. If they don't pay attention, they are able to increase the size of the order is to be damaged by contact with the clothing and bleeding.

Why is there a skin polyps, do I have to go to the doctor, and how you can get rid of them for good — take a look at our article.

What seems to be papillomas

The main culprit of this condition is HPV, or human papilloma virus. He is in the body of nearly every person. However, not all of the symptoms may occur in the form of ordinary shares. This is because of the good health, the virus is successfully suppressed by the immune cells. And in 2 or 3 years, and in the majority of cases, it is removed from the body.

What is this virus? The WAYS to access a shell-less of the virus, which is embedded in the DNA of the skin cells and the immune system. It is located on the surface, without going into the deeper layers of the skin.

Months and months and months, and years, it's not. The privileges for a variety of reasons, the virus aktiviziruyutsya and begin to grow. So there are warts.

The factors that negatively affect the immune system include:

  • The constant stress.
  • A poor quality or monotonous diet.
  • A lack of vitamins.
  • Chronic fatigue later in life.
  • A passive lifestyle.
  • Bad habits are.
  • Of a malignant tumor.
  • Of any serious communicable disease.
  • Uncontrolled reception of antibiotics.

At risk are the elderly, with the age-related changes in the body, the worse the resistance of the virus. Too often, the skin lesions are occurring in children. Unformed child's immune system is not able to deal with the virus. He is, after 2 to 3 months after the infection enters into the active phase.

Important! If the person is infected with HPV, and then completely remove it from your body is next to impossible. Either on his own or that he is caught in a "trance," and at the same time, it boosts the immune system.

The risk factors for women

During the period of pregnancy of women, there is a natural suppression of the immune system. This is necessary in order to keep the organism are perceived in the embryo as a foreign object and gave it the ability to attach to the uterus. If a woman's body, it is the human papilloma virus, there is always going to take advantage of this moment. Therefore, pregnant women, the incidence of papillomas — common problem.

The risk factors for women

The causes of skin lesions in men is rooted in alcohol abuse, frequent change of sexual partners, and non-Smoking. The bad habits which have a negative impact on the Overall immunity, and the constant inhalation of tobacco smoke, impairs the local protection of the oral cavity and the respiratory tract. It may be the cause of a major disease of laryngeal papillomatosis.

On average, the latent (hidden) period can last from 3 months to a year. When the health of the infected person is only a carrier without any external manifestations. However, the danger lies in the fact that it is able to infect someone else.

Ways to HPV infection

The causative agent, for a period of time it can survive outside the human body. The infection occurs most commonly through the transfer of the virus through contact-household way. It could be a handshake, a touch, and the use of common household items, children's toys. Frequent cases of contamination in places of public resort. There is a bath, a swimming pool, and water parks.

However, for the penetration into the skin layer of the skin to be a condition — damage to the skin. For the infection may be enough to crack or small abrasion.

In a newborn, the infection is in the vertical path, that is, from the mother-carrier in the birth process or during breastfeeding.

Genital warts or genital warts are transmitted only through unprotected sexual intercourse. It is also possible to samsarajade, that is, the transmission of the virus from one body part to another. This can be done by scraping or traumatizing the growth of, for example, while shaving.

The main types of warts

Many different strains of HPV-there are many of them. The medicine at the same time, it is now known that only approximately 200 types of viruses. Some of them will only affect the parts of the body, the other to the mucous membrane of the genital organs, and the third to occur in the oral cavity, and pharynx.

Among the most well-known types are the types that have high oncogenic risk. For example, the most dangerous thing to women is the virus infection 16, 18, 31 types. They are often identified in cervical cancer, the risk of erosion and cause its degeneration into cancer. The presence in the body of vysokokonkurentnyj the types of the virus does not mean that a person has to have Cancer. However, it does require more careful attention to the health of, and the supervision of a health professional.

The size and shape of any of the following types of papillomas:

  1. Though java is very common, the most common growths. It often occurs in between toes, on the soles of the feet, the chin. Plantar warts have a more compacted solid form due to the walk and to the touch. Is often painful, but it is not oncogenic.
  2. Filiform or acrochordus — typically for older people. Outside, a thick and yellow in color. Has a tendency to increase over time. Always have a thin stalk. Located in the armpits, in the back of the neck, and in skin folds and groin. That is not to be able to malignancy.
  3. Flat , small and numerous skin lesions a flat. Of the skin, and are expected to rise slightly. To have the physical, or brown in color. Located on the face of it, in the upper part of the chest, in the region of the anus. A low risk of malignancy.
  4. Genital warts or genital warts are only on the genitals. Transmission is mainly by sexual contact. Can the degeneration into malignancy.

Certain types of HPV, the cause of the dangerous disease, papillomatosis of the larynx. White spots or growths interfere with normal breathing affect vocal cords. This condition can lead to suffocation. Often the diagnosis has to be diagnosed in young children. The complexity of the case, the virus and affect the airways, the lungs and the trachea.

The growths of the skin

Most of them are not a threat to life and limb. They are only an aesthetic defect, and may cause psychological discomfort to the patient.

However, if the papilloma is caused by a virus with a high level of oncogenicity, that in the event of adverse circumstances, can lead to a diagnosis of cancer. Malignancy leads to severe poisoning, as well as the tissue.

Factors that may cause the malignancy of the training:

  • sunburn and exposure to uv-b radiation.
  • the infection with HPV as a result of his injury.
  • chronic inflammation in the body, and to offset the decline in immunity.

Also, the growths often grow, and their numbers are increasing. They tend to join together into one group, and the result is a big hit to the area. Rub it on your clothes it can cause damage and bleeding and the build-up.

When you need to go to the doctor

It is imperative to consult with a dermatologist for a check, if you will notice the following changes:

  1. After the injury, the wound will not heal. Observed the the the the the secretion of the fluid, as it is a pain to the touch.
  2. Color education was the rest of it.
  3. Papillomas began to increase in size.
  4. The pu.
  5. The smell.
  6. The throbbing pain while at rest.
  7. Hair loss in the area of growth.

Some of the skin is formed, is subjected to the inspection and supervision of the genetic predisposition to cancer. If the papilloma to awaken to a life of distress and interferes, since they are subject to mechanical removal.

The diagnosis and treatment of papilloma

The diagnosis and treatment of papilloma

Depending on your location, you should seek the advice of a dermatologist, gynecologist, or urologist. For the assessment of growth is made to the following studies:

  • Dermatoscopy is a detailed study of the papillomas by means of a magnifying device.
  • A blood test for the detection of antibodies against HPV.
  • The PCR diagnostic tests.
  • The taking of material for histological testing for a suspected malignancy of the training).

Vaginal formulations, the doctor will take samples from the urethra or the cervix. Tests conducted for sexually transmitted diseases. Diagnosis the presence of genital warts is carried out by both sides.

While several of the rashes can make the analysis in order to check the immune status.

The treatment of this disease are aimed at suppressing the virus and improving the immune system. This is necessarily prior to the removal of all of the ordinary shares, which is the source of the virus. Had an antiviral therapy and receiving immunomodulators.

The methods for removing the devices

Depending on the size and location of the doctor may recommend the following techniques for surgical removal.

The methods for removing the devices
  • Cryosurgery, or from exposure to liquid nitrogen.
    The disadvantage of this method is that the expert is not able to accurately control the depth of the effect. Due to the risk of injury, and incomplete excision of the mass.
  • Laser removal
    It is an innovative method that makes it possible for a session to get rid of several of the rock formations. Does not leave a scar. Not bleeding, so what is the process of sealing the vessel. A number of contra-indications.
  • Electro-coagulation.
    This means that the exposure is in the range of the array. The effective stand-off for the warts, which have a stalk. Use of the intimate space. The advantage of remote build can be sent to another laboratory for testing.
  • The Radio wave method, the radiologia.
    A Specialist may individually choose the length and the strength of the radio waves, given the depth of the growth. Is carried out using apparatus "Surgitron". Healthy cells are not damaged, it is a point of impact on the growth of a thin electrode. The rehabilitation work is not required.

In rare cases, surgical excision of the training. It is used for large lesions or if there are signs of malignancy. This is the most radical, but effective way. Require the subsequent recovery. They often leave a small scar. The risk of re-offending is minimal, because the surgeon completely removes the build-up, which affects the healthy range. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia.

A single annual papillomas can be removed with the help of special chemical compounds. The concentration of the alkali or of the acid. However, with this method, the risk of scalding. In addition, the partial removal of the growth can often lead to a new qualification. The Self-removal of the formation, which can lead to serious negative consequences.

Preventive measures

In order to fully protect yourself against HPV is possible through vaccination. However, it is advised that only the prior to sexual activity. It protects only against the most dangerous types of viruses that can lead to cancer and other diseases.

In order to decrease the risk of papilloma is necessary to adhere to elementary rules.

  • In public places, not to walk around barefoot. Just use your pair of shoes.
  • The public toilets are for the use of disposable plates.
  • Use a condom during oral and vaginal sex. However, it only provides 50% protection, since the infection is quite simple, close physical contact.
  • Looking for a monogamous relationship with a man.
  • Minimize close contact with an infected person who has symptoms of the disease.

Special attention should be paid to the health if you are planning a pregnancy. For this, the pre-pass test for the detection of HPV.

In order to avoid a recurrence of the disease after removal, you will need to carefully follow all of your doctor's recommendations. You should take care of your immune system, keeping it at an optimum level. In order to do this properly, and to eat a healthy diet, exercising and giving up bad habits.

The very presence of the HPV in the body is not a reason to sound the alarm and begin the emergency care. However, when they are found on the skin growths is best to seek the advice of a doctor.